Embedding a targeted therapeutic intervention to reduce child maltreatment into routine antenatal care: a feasibility and acceptability study

Chief Investigator:

Dr Jacqueline Beall

Research Area:

Improving child protection and its effects.
Clinical Study

Funding Amount:



Flinders University


By the age of 10, 25% of South Australian (SA) children will have had contact with the child protection system (Pilkington, et al 2017). These children are experiencing genuine, significant and chronic adversity, as reflected in their poorer developmental outcomes, which may also be transmitted to the next generation. In contrast, asthma, the most common childhood disease, only affects 11% of children aged 0-14. This represents a paediatric health epidemic. This project will trial a therapeutic intervention, designed to reduce the risk of maltreatment, that can be delivered as part of routine antenatal care, as well as analyse underlying mechanisms.

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