The impact of the complement system on fetal brain and retinal development during viral infection.

The impact of the complement system on fetal brain and retinal development during viral infection.

Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Jillian Carr Funding Amount : $98,679 Recipient: Flinders University Overview: Sometimes, viral infection during pregnancy infects the baby with devastating and permanent effects on the brain and eye.
A new therapy to mature preterm lungs without damaging the brain

A new therapy to mature preterm lungs without damaging the brain

Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Kathryn Gatford Funding Amount : $100,000 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: Antenatal corticosteroids (ACS), such as betamethasone, are standard clinical care for women at risk of preterm
Reversing fetal growth restriction for better pregnancy and infancy health.

Reversing fetal growth restriction for better pregnancy and infancy health.

Chief Investigator: Dr Macarena Gonzalez Funding Amount : $100,000 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: Fetal growth restriction causes 5.4% of perinatal deaths in Australia and a 3-fold increase in offspring chronic