Evaluation of ex vivo human CD4 T cell immune response against peanut allergens for a novel therapeutic peanut allergy vaccine

Chief Investigator: Preethi Eldi (Early Career Researcher) Funding Amount: $38,000 Recipient: University of South Australia Overview: Food allergy affects up-to 10% of children and in the absence of licensed therapeutics,

Testing the first treatment to protect babies of asthmatic women from lung disease – a pilot study

Chief Investigator: Dr Kathryn Gatford Funding Amount: $85,000 Recipient: University of Adelaide Overview: Babies of mothers who have asthma are more likely to have problems breathing at birth, including respiratory

Overcoming drug resistance in childhood seizure and psychiatric disorders caused by potassium channels

Chief Investigator: Professor Leanne Dibbens Funding Amount: $100,000 Recipient: University of South Australia Overview: Children with a defective potassium channel (KCNT1) gene have a serious developmental disorder which includes epilepsy