Understanding outcomes in child protection: Exploring a capability approach to change the conversation for Aboriginal families

Chief Investigator: Dr Michelle Jones Research Area: Improving child protection and its effects. Community Based Study Funding Amount: $93,258 Recipient: Flinders University Overview: Aboriginal children are over-represented in child protection

Can LEGO® robotics therapy improve the mental health and social skills of adolescents on the autism spectrum? A Phase 1 trial

Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Parimala Raghavendra Research Area: Improving children’s mental health and the impact of developmental disorders. Community Based Study Funding Amount: $99,277 Recipient: Flinders University Overview: Nearly 40%

Neighbourhood life and social determinants of health for children and young people from refugee backgrounds

Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Anna Ziersch Research Area: Understanding the social determinants of childhood health and development. Community Based Study Funding Amount: $99,985 Recipient: Flinders University Overview: Settling into a

Optimising Delivery of Trauma Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Chief Investigator: Professor Reginald (Reg) Nixon Research Area: Improving children’s mental health and the impact of developmental disorders.Clinical Study Funding Amount: $74,795 Recipient: Flinders University Overview: Approximately 5-10% of youth will suffer